</ Episode three: the girl who went back to school!>
2020-06-30 14:40:33 by Nada Tebba{How was your relationship with the fall's most popular event: &quot; back to school &quot; ? } {My question seems a little bit strange, especially at that time of the year? Shouldn't we instead talk about summer vacation? } {Don't be confused! I didn't lose the seasons concept during those last two months lockdown, though I questioned the notion of time and..., Okay, no need to bother you with my new quantum physics thoughts! I maybe should first answer my opening questioning! } {I have had an uncomfortable, overwhelming (and sometimes traumatic) relationship with schools, and back to school has been one of those unpleasant moments of my childhood life. I have adored learning new things except, I have hated the teaching system. My testimony brings back you some old bad memories? So, do I!} {Do you wonder why we embark together on this discussion about schools? If you remember, I told you previously (check my latest post to refresh your memory &#128521; : https://www.bpdiarys.com/index.php?action=article&amp;amp;amp;&amp;amp;amp;article=49 ) that after announcing the earthquake (here is a reminder &#128073; : https://www.bpdiarys.com/index.php?action=article&amp;amp;amp;&amp;amp;amp;article=47 ) I decided to join a tech school.} {The bad news is the school's system didn't change from the one that existed when I was a child. The same kind of evaluations; severe supervisors; an endless list of tests to pick only geniuses (because they are, according to some teachers, the only legitimate programming students.) The good news is: due to private academies and schools, online courses, exceptions, now, exist! } {I see you coming! You seem intrigued! You will perhaps say: Why did this girl who had a controversial relationship with schools, want to go back there? } {Be assured; I am not an adept of psychological auto-flagellation! I just needed a place where I could start learning to code, cutting short with any envy to move back! I required discipline to step toward my goals, quit my comfort zone, and fight my fears. That why I left my job, dedicated my whole energy and time to code. It was my way to prove my commitment to my dream.} {Finding the school that suited me was a real scavenger hunt, it took me three months, it could have been more if I didn't fix that limit date: start on January period!} {I selected a school that offered a project-based learning program, ensured a friendly environment, employed teachers who already work in the tech sphere without forgetting the most important criteria: a school that fitted my budget.} {I am a perfectionist: finding the best school that reconciles me with the teaching system and erases those negatives childhood memories was challenging. At least, going through such experience confirmed to me that my will to jump into the tech world wasn't a shiny object syndrome. Something unexplainable drove me and pushed me forward even when circumstances became unbearable!} {On my first day at school, I had like always my famous stomachache. I was nervous; I couldn't eat my breakfast. An inner scared voice hummed inside my head: &quot; Go home, girl! &quot; . Sorry, little voice, there is no way I abandon.} {I thought that returning to school, as an adult with adults, would be different, possibly stressless; the truth is whatever your age, being a newbie is fearful.} {I walked through the door of my new class apprehensive; we were three women in a group of 14. New place, new people, I looked at the round table, I panicked I took the first seat; It was the teacher's seat! As usual; faithful to my old maladroit habits!} {People who will sit next to you are your new neighbors, and we all agree that neighbors impact our daily. I hadn't chosen my seat; but, I had fortunately sat next to very kind classmates!} {My worries disappeared quickly that day, thanks to my teacher's humor. He was funny, he simplified complex concepts, and above all, he passionately transmitted his knowledge, what else? &#128521; } {Was it an unexpected, scholastic experience? Of course! } {Did it reconcile me with schools? It is a long story; let talk about that next time &#128521;} {subscribe to the newsletter to receive the new episode heated directly from the oven. Sign up, leave a message if you want to share your experience!}
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