budding programmer diary's

“ Someone who randomly met the code ”

</ episode one: the girl who announces the earthquake! >

“ {Hi, I do write code, and it seems crazy! Do you want to know my story? Maybe?} {My name is Nada, and it got nothing to do with Spanish! (by the way, I adore Spain especially Barcelona) . I wrot [...] ”

2019-08-08 12:16:44 by Nada Tebba

</ Episode two: the girl who met the dream's guardian! >

“ { What would be your thoughts when you hit your 30 years old? } { Mine was: no way, how could it happen? I didn't even have the time to make my bucket list before my thirties! } { Funnily, my fi [...] ”

2020-02-03 00:21:33 by Nada Tebba

</ Episode three: the girl who went back to school! >

“ {How was your relationship with the fall's most popular event: &amp;quot; back to school &amp;quot; ? } {My question seems a little bit strange, especially at that time of the year? Shouldn't [...] ”

2020-06-30 14:40:33 by Nada Tebba
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